Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Free to Worship

What prevents us from doing good? Why do we not love God as we should? What hinders us from worshipping Him as we ought? The answer to these questions can be stated in two words – our sin. It is true that we are attacked continuously and mercilessly by forces outside of us such as Satan and his demons. But these attacks would be to no avail were it not for the sin which dwells within us. Paul writes in Romans that, apart from Christ, we are slaves to sin (6:16-20).
The children of Israel were slaves of the Egyptians. In Exodus 5:1 Moses approaches Pharaoh with this demand from God, “Let my people go that they may hold a feast to Me in the wilderness.” They were in bondage to the Egyptians and therefore unable to fulfill the acts of worship required by God. Obedience to the Egyptians meant disobedience to God for “No one can serve two masters…” (Mt. 6:24). In order to worship God they must be set free from their oppressor. You know the rest of the story. God showed His strength conquering the Egyptians and freeing the children of Israel. They were free – free to worship!
Now God, in Christ, has done this for us. We were slaves to the corruption of our own hearts. Again, God has made His power known by conquering our oppressor and setting us free. As the waters of the Red Sea washed away Pharaoh’s army, so the blood of Christ has taken away our sin. “in whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins.” (Colossians 1:14 NKJV) We are free! Free to worship the One who has shown His strength in redeeming us from the oppression of the enemy.

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