Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Work It Out

work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure.
Philippians 2:12b-13 (ESV)

The Command To Do
The gospel is not to be merely believed and professed, but  lived. The passage above calls us to live in a manner consistent with Gospel facts. Believers, we are crucified with Jesus and, in Him, raised up to new life. In Christ we are free in the truest sense – not autonomous but, unchained, delivered, freed to live, love and worship; free to deny self and to seek the interests of others above our own. The mindset of Jesus that fuels humble, self-sacrificial living is ours as part of the grace we receive in Christ. Yes, the saving grace of God through the gift of His only Son is real. Now, says Paul, “Live it” or "Work it out in your daily living”. In other words, live according to it and let the reality of the Good News of Jesus be constantly on display in your relationships with others.

The Power To Do
Paul goes on to say that this is doable, not because of our own strength or self-determination and not due to our own capabilities or potential, but because God is at work in us. We work it out because God works it in us. The command to do is accompanied by the power to do. Indeed, not only “to do” but even “to will” to do is the work of God. And the command to work out our salvation is based upon this enabling grace of God already at work within us. We are not to look then to our own power and ability but to His. He has graced us with new life in Christ. Now, also by His grace, we must live in a manner that displays the reality of His grace toward us in Christ – for His glory, and for the benefit of others.

Grace and peace,

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Worthy of the Gospel

In Philippians 1:27 the apostle Paul exhorts us to conduct ourselves “worthy of the gospel of Christ". How are we to understand the idea of living in a manner "worthy" of the Gospel? Can we earn favor with God by somehow being worthy? Can we, through our efforts, achieve right standing with God and a place in His saving work? No! Not at all. As D. A. Carson points out in his book Basics for Believers, this  “does not suggest we should try harder in order to secure something, but argues that because something has already been secured for us we should try harder out of gratitude and out of frank recognition that this is what the gospel has saved us for" (underlines mine).

Here's an analogy that might be helpful:  I am not faithful to my wife in order to achieve or attain to a spousal relationship with her, but because we have already entered into a spousal relationship. I want my character and manner of life to be consistent with and reflect the reality of the relationship that already exists between us. I want to honor that relationship and I want to honor her. So, for me to live in a manner worthy of our marriage means that I conduct myself in a way consistent with the expectations of the marriage covenant that unites us.

Similarly, we should strive to live in a way that displays the reality of our relationship with Jesus faithfully. Let us pray for grace upon grace to live in such a way that the Gospel of Christ will be shown by us as well as heard by us.

Grace and peace,